At Beachy Cover Ups, we source most of our products from talented artisans all over the world. Our products are shipped from several different areas like Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain, China, and the United States. To keep our prices competitive, we offer free shipping worldwide, but please note that shipping times may vary, and your order may arrive in multiple packages.
Please keep in mind that free international shipping may take between 20-45 days, while free domestic shipping may take between 12-20 days. As a valued customer, we kindly request that you provide us with the correct mailing address to avoid any potential issues. It is important to note that Beachy Cover Ups cannot be held responsible for items that were mailed to the wrong address due to customer error.
In the event that a package is returned to us, we will make every effort to track it down and resend it to the correct address. However, please be aware that not all packages that are mailed to the wrong address will be returned to us. Any packages that are lost or stolen after delivery will not be the responsibility of Beachy Cover Ups. Please contact your local Post Office and provide them with your tracking number/s for further assistance. Packages are not insured, so make sure you are shipping to a secure location.